An enormous number of short and long term health benefits can be achieved with even 5% to 10% weight loss although even greater health benefits can be achieved if enough weight can be lost to return from being overweight or obese to a heal they body mass index range . Such as :
- Improved Mobility and Pain-free joints
- Staying Heart Healthy
- Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
- Improved Blood Glucose Control
Improved Mobility and Pain - free joints
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disorder causing bone and cartilage ( the tissue that protects the joints ) to wear away . As a result the joints become swollen and tender and movement become very painful . Being overweight increase the load placed on the weight bearing joints leg kness & hips . It is estimated that a force of between three or six times your body weight exerted across the knee while walking so an increase in body weight of 10kg increase the force on the kness equivalent to carrying an extra 30 to 60kg .
Staying Heart Healthy
Two of the major risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure and high cholesterol . Studies indicate that the accumulation of excess body fat releases certain naturally occuring chemicals into the bloodstream that cause blood pressure and high cholesterol . Studies indicate that the accumulation . Studies indicate that the accumulation of excess body fat release certain naturally occuring chemicals into the bloodstream that cause blood pressure to rise and being overweight causes the liver to produce excessive amount of low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol .
Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
If you're overweight , you're at increased risk for type 2 diabetes , which means your body can't make
enough , or properly use , insulin , a hormone that helps convert food to unsable energy . By losing just 10 percent of your weight , you'll improve your body's ability to use the insulin it makes , possibly preventing the onset of the disease . Miller-Kovach says . If you already have type 2 diabetes , shedding that 10 percent may improve your symptoms and possibly prevent complications , she adds .
Improved Blood Glucose Control
Complications of diabetes occur mainly due to poorly controlled high blood glucose (sugar) levels . Rates of chronic heart disease , stroke , heart attack , kidney failure blindness and amputations of lower limbs are all higher in type 2 diabetics all as a direct result of dam age caused to blood vessels by high sugar levels .
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